WASHINGTON, DC – On Friday June 18, 2021, simultaneous with Iran’s rigged presidential election, the Iranian diaspora of the DC area will hold a rally to join the Iranian people’s all-out boycott of the electoral farce and denounce the clerical dictatorship’s pre-determined victor, Ebrahim Raisi.
Some families of victims of Raisi’s atrocities will be attending the Friday rally. Nicknamed “The Henchman,” he is responsible for the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners.
Raisi also had a key role in the massacre of 1,500 peaceful protesters during the 2019 nationwide uprising.
The regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has fixed the outcome so that Raisi will be declared president. For the clerics in Iran, holding elections’ sole purpose is to give a veneer of legitimacy and republicanism to an otherwise ruthless totalitarian theocracy.
The people of Iran are calling on Washington to hold this regime accountable for its crimes against humanity. In recent weeks, they have been clear with their message in public gatherings and on social media, declaring “my vote is regime change.”
DATE: Friday, June 18, 2021
TIME: 12:00-4:00 p.m. (EDT)
LOCATION: Iran’s Regime Interest Section
1250 23rd St. NW, Washington DC, 20037
#NoImpunity4Mullahs #RaisiMassMurderer #MyVoteRegimeChange
The Iranian American Community of Virginia (IAC-VA) advocates for a democratic, secular, non-nuclear republic Iran in peace with the global community of nations. IAC-VA supports a free Iran committed to the United Nations Human Rights Charter, respect for human rights, gender equality, as well as religious and ethnic tolerance. IAC-VA honors and supports the Iranian people’s aspiration for democratic change.